tiistai 17. marraskuuta 2015

16bit Pseudo Random Generator

My Pseudo Random Generator project has been on background now almost a year (see my blog from 1. and 24. January 2015). TTL-implementation of this circuit is complex. The 24bit version would need separate PCB-boards and a lot of TTL-circuits. So I decided to build a 16bit version and design a dedicated 4-layer PCB-board for it. This way I can fit the core-circuit (shift-register with startup-logic, LED mux & drivers, binary switches, feedback generator and sync-generator) to one PCB-board. When I get this working I can add more functions as the different weighted binary outputs. This circuit can count maximum only to 2^16-1 = 65535 but I think for music purposes it is anyway more interesting to explore these shorter pseudo random sequences.

This circuit would be an ideal PIC micro controller project. With PIC technique the 24bit version would be no problem to implement. The TTL core-circuit needs 28 TTL-chips and takes about 1A power from 5V supply! I think the PIC-version would need only a few chips and some 50-100mA power. At some point I am going to learn to program micro controllers and then I can come back to this project with much powerful technique.

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