torstai 29. elokuuta 2019

Buchla 208 status and the motherboard

All 12 cards are now ready. Next I will start the assembly of motherboard.

Following traces has been added to this 2.1 version of motherboard PCB:

- trace between Molex 4A and Molex 3B
- trace between Program Card pin7 and via
- trace to Card 8 pin 11 instead of pin 12 is corrected by connecting these two pins on motherboard
- trace between SW8 and SW10

To change the trigger threshold (Pulser, Sequencer, Envelope Generator) from 10V to 5V I will change R56 to 150k.

To enable my 208 to communicate with iProgram card I must do the following modifications:

- connectors B and 2 are connected together and grounded to Q (quiet/analog ground)
- pin C is connected to +5V
- pins D and 4 are connected together and grounded to N (noisy/digital ground)

Photo by Modular Synthesis
I have cloned this motherboard (and all the cards) with all the corrections. Maybe I will build some day another 208 from my own PCBs.

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